As you know by now, I am a working cat. I live with two artists. I have to pose for paintings sometimes and that is really really hard! Other times, I have to pose for photos and that's hard enough, believe me! When someone clicks their fingers, I have to look at those fingers and stay that way until they say OK. I would rather pose for pictures than for paintings because I can't take naps or even go pee until the timer goes off. When that happens, it's a welcome relief and I hope it's over but it's usually not! I do take my job seriously and do my best to please. You can see how hard I'm concentrating in this picture of me with the peach blossoms. I got to smell all the peach blossoms before work began, I have to smell all the flowers that come into the house. I sure was glad there wasn't a bee or an ant on there, I really don't like bees, I'll tell you why one day.
Now, here is the painting that was done from the photograph. A person in Texas bought it because she loved that my nose is exactly the color of peach blossoms, who knew!